Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's a real baby!!

We are gonna have a baby!!

Saw a heart beat on our little tic-tac sized bundle!

So happy I can't explain it!

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On my way there..

Feels like I'm holding my breath and back tears. Never been so nervous.

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Bag of Nerves

That's me.

So to fill ya'll in on what has happened since my last post, I continued to get sicker.

Over the weekend, I couldn't keep down anything, solid or liquid. I spent all weekend praying to the toilet for the throwing up to end. And to the front yard, and to the back yard, and to the K-mart parking lot...

Anyhow, by Sunday night I was weak, exhuasted and worried. I called my OBGYN, she told me to go to the ER (which was what I had been hoping she'd say) and David whisked me off to Kennedy Hospital.

They gave me two bags of fluids and some medication for the nausea. I was so relived to finally not feel seconds from puking, I slept most of the time. After a few hours, blood tests and a urine sample, the Doctor told me all results pointed to bad dehydration. (I'm praying that since he didn't say anything else looked off that may be a good sign for this pregnancy). He also said some girls have to be a medication for morning sickness, after that he said and for you, it's time.

So he prescribed me Zofran. Which has been a life changer. I can eat again. I can sleep through the night. I can actually spend time doing things other than tossing up everything I try to force down.

He only gave me enough to last til tomorrow morning, I'm hoping my OBGYN called in a refill to CVS. o.O

So, big event today. Terrifying or exciting.. Dream making or breaking. The ultrasound. It's scheduled for 6 tonight.

Please God, let it be different than last time. Please let us see a baby's heartbeat on the screen. I'm not sure how I'd deal with bad news again... the first time was impossibly hard. If it happens again.. I'm gonna feel absolutly cursed.

Wish us luck.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

So sick..

I am so nauseus I can't enjoy anything right now.

The doctor told me to eat more, but even the thought of food sends me to the toilet.

This is terrible...

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pickles and Toast

Sorry I haven't posted in a few day.. but soon after the positive pregnancy test, morning sickness began to kick my butt.

Not just in the morning either, for the past few days I have been sick for most of the day and I also have developed a headcold. So I've been trudging my way through work at the office and sleeping when I get home. Haven't gotten much done.

Dave and I are very excited we are pregnant again, although it comes with a lot of tension this time because it's hard to let ourselves get too happy until we know this is a viable pregnancy, and not like last time. We have an appointment May 27th with the OBGYN. Until then.. it's like holding our breathes and praying this miracle really is a baby and not another heartbreak. I hate to be negative, but each happy thought seems plagued with a "what if".

Today I finally feel like I have gotten some of the nausea under control. I had my doubts when the woman who sits behind me at work told to try pickles to calm my stomach, but after some research found that vinegar neutralizes stomach acid, so I had my mom pick up a big deli pickle for me. I ate it, kept it down, and do feel much less nauseus. This is great, cause I love pickles.

At home, Dave has started work on the hole in front of the door. The old drywall has been removed, all insulation that was wet has been removed and replaced and new drywall has been installed. Now all there is left to is spackle, sand and paint. Although, spackling is the hardest part.

This weekend I have a small adventure in parenthood simulation planned. I am babysitting four boys. Our friends have a 10 year old (who is mildly autistic), a 12 year old foster child and a pair of four year old adopted twins. We are watching them from noon on Saturday until 9 ish on Sunday evening. Should be quite the circus.

Hopefully I'll be well enough to post soon.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We're pregnant!!!!!!!!

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Monday, May 3, 2010

The "To Do" List May 3rd Edition

#1 Fix leak in bathroom sink drain.

#2 Discard old 2x4's in basement

#3 Replace sheetrock on the entryway ceiling.

#4 Add stairs to the new deck

#5 Fix door casing on office door frame.

#6 Finish trim in second bedroom.

#7 Replace doors to second bedroom and office.

#8 Build bookcase in "the hole".

#9 Close up the side kitchen door.

#10 Finish bathroom cieling.

I'm giving myself 2 weeks. I'll explain more as I tackle each project.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Done for the day!

Finshed laying the decking.

Now we are celebrating at the diner :)

Hopefully by Friday we can get the two sets of stairs installed. So far, so good.

Time to relax for now.

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Those photos I promised

Here are some pics of what the deck looked like this morning when we woke up:

You can see we made a little path for our dog Jak to come and go from the backdoor. Those aren't attached yet of course.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Exhausted after a long day

Well, the porch is a lot closer to finished but you still can't sit a chair on it. The framing is done and the decking should go on tommorrow. I'll post more pictures then, but right now I am absolutly exhausted from all the heavy lifting, hammering and drilling.

Early in the day (the posts went in before bed last night)

My hubby and lil' brother workin hard while I take photos :p

Framing starting to come together in this shot.

I'll post photos of the finished framing tommorrow. We expanded the width and depth of the deck, but recycled much of the old framing to save time and money.

Hope we can finish tommorrow!

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